Whenever we assess the strength or weakness of a country, we look at two things, number one is its military and number two is its economy.In this article we will talk about the 10 weakest countries in the world.whose military is much weaker

1 Somalia
Somalia is at number 10 in the list of 10 weakest Military in the world, most of whose people live in conflict zones.And if we talk about the population of this country, there are 12 million people in this country And this ratio is increasing every year and this is the reason why this country is standing in the decade of poverty It is one of the weakest Military in the world due to the growing population and limited resources And if we talk about the soldiers of his army, it consists of 22400 army soldiers
2 Luxembourg
.Luxembourg, which is located in Western Europe, comes second in our list It is a country that does not seem to have any sea or any water storage near it, it is completely razed to the ground And if we talk about its area, it becomes less than a thousand square And if we talk about the situation of this country, it is a very peaceful country, so it does not need much army.And if we talk about the Military of this country, there are only 450 soldiers Apart from this, there are 350 active and 100 reserved soldiers
3 Barbuda
Number three is barbuda, this country actually consists of an island If we talk about the population of this country, it is only 91 thousand And if we talk about the military, the military force of this country is only 295 whose annual budget is 10 million dollars
Because this country is an archipelago, this country has all the seas, so the entire responsibility of the army is to cover the people by sea.
4 Tonga
Next on our list is Tango which consists of 169 islands And this country is located above the South Pacific Ocean The total population of this country consists of 103,000 people If we talk about the defense budget of this country, it is 500 million dollars If we talk about his military, he has clean soldiers in his military Which has also fought with New Zealand in the First World War Apart from this, this army has also participated in Afghanistan and Iraq war
5 bhutan
The next importing country on our list is bhutan, which is located in South Asia It is a landlocked country which means the country is surrounded by land Apart from the country which has no name or sign of the sea far away, this country is pressed under two billion US dollars.If we talk about the population, the population of this country is seven and a half lakh and out of seven and a half lakh, only eight thousand are its army.The army of this country does not have any modern weapons and if we talk about tanks, there are only eight tanks.

6 Moldova
The sixth number in our list is Moldova, which is at number 105 in the global rank.The capital of which is Chisinau If we talk about the population, the population of this country is 25 lakh 97 thousand And the military budget of this country is 28.4 million US dollars If we talk about militaryAlong with this, they have 19 thousand military personnel out of which 6 thousand are active soldiers.Along with this, they also have 11 aircraft
7 Suriname
In the list of top 10 weakest militaries, the name of Suriname appears at number seven, which is at number 143 in the global rank.If we talk about this country, it is more than six lakh 32 thousand and if we talk about the defense budget, it is 100 million US dollars.And if we talk about Milter it is 2200 and 2000 out of 2200 is active percent. And Aircraft is 3,After 650
8 Liberia
In our list, the name of Liberia comes at number eight. If we talk about the globalrank of liberians, then it is 140. If we talk about the population, it consists of 548483 people.Also, if we talk about the different budget of this country, it is 12 million US dollars If we talk about the area, one lakh consists of 111369 km And if we talk about military, this country has a total of 15 thousand military active percent The reason this country is weak is because it has a multi-percentage but none of the modern weapons
9sierra Leone
If we talk about the weakest military in the world, the second weakest military is the name of Sierra Leone, whose military rank is 138 and if we talk about the population, it is close to nine million.And in the defense budget, it beats the armies of the world’s most powerful countries But things like corruption and money laundering are common in this country due to which the country is going backward in many fields besides military.But in some years we have seen this country going on the path of development, maybe it will become a good country in the coming days.

10 central Africa republic
If we talk about the most failed and tired military in the world, the first name that comes to our mind is the Central Republic of Africa.Instead of protecting this country from others, the military of this country has become a threat to itself This is the reason why this country is going down the path of degradation in the world If we talk about natural treasures, this country is rich with treasures like diamonds, but all of them are exposed to corruption.Perhaps this is the reason why this country has lagged far behind the rest of the world
So friends, this was the army’s list of the 10 weakest countries in the world. It may change in the future.
But currently these are the 10 weakest military countries in the worlD
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